ar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 80 47 v 1 9 A ug 1 99 6 1 BI - TP 96 / 34 August 1996
The thermodynamics of the SU(3) gauge theory has been analyzed with tree level and tadpole improved Symanzik actions. A comparison with the continuum extrapolated results for the standard Wilson action shows that improved actions lead to a drastic reduction of finite cutoff effects already on lattices with temporal extent Nτ = 4. Results for the pressure, the critical temperature, surface tension and latent heat are presented. First results for the thermodynamics of four-flavour QCD with an improved staggered action are also presented. They indicate similarly large improvement factors for bulk thermodynamics. 1. Why improved actions are expected to improve the QCD thermodynamics Although the plasma phase of QCD does in many respects show strong non-perturbative properties (screening masses, poor convergence of perturbation theory,...), bulk thermodynamic observables like energy density and pressure do approach the non-interacting ideal gas limit at high temperatures (T) where they are expected to receive large contributions from high momentum modes, avg.momentum ∼ T. In lattice calculations T is determined through the temporal extent N τ of the lattice and the cutoff a −1 , i.e. T ≡ 1/N τ a. In the ideal gas limit the relevant momenta are therefore of the order of the cutoff , where lattice and continuum dispersion relations differ strongly from each other. Indeed this is the origin of the well-known discrepancy between the energy density of an ideal gas calculated on a finite lattice (ǫ(N τ)) and in the continuum (ǫ SB),
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 80 64 v 1 1 3 A ug 1 99 6 1
We present results for the spectrum and decay constants of B mesons from NRQCD using dynamical configurations at β = 5.6 with two flavours of staggered fermions. The light quarks are generated using the Clover action with tadpole improvement.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 81 30 v 1 2 3 A ug 1 99 6 1 Pomerons and Lattices : a Progress Report
We report on some attempts to use lattice QCD to investigate topics in strong interaction phenomenology which are usually interpreted in terms of soft Pomeron exchange.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 80 65 v 1 1 3 A ug 1 99 6 1 Forces between composite particles in QCD
Starting from the meson-meson Green function in 3+1 dimensional quenched lattice QCD we calculate potentials between heavy-light mesons for various light-quark mass parameters. For the valence quarks we employ the staggered scheme. The resulting potentials turn out to be short ranged and attractive. A comparison with a tadpole improved action for the gauge fields is presented.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 80 48 v 1 9 A ug 1 99 6 1 DESY 96 - 153 Low - Lying Eigenvalues of the Wilson - Dirac Operator ∗
An exploratory study of the low-lying eigenvalues of the Wilson-Dirac operator and their corresponding eigen-vectors is presented. Results for the eigenvalues from quenched and unquenched simulations are discussed. The eigenvectors are studied with respect to their localization properties in the quenched approximation for the cases of SU(2) and SU(3).
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 80 50 v 1 9 A ug 1 99 6 SU ( 3 ) glueballs on coarse , anisotropic lattices ∗
Results from a calculation of the low-lying glueball spectrum of pure-gauge SU(3) are used as a test of the effectiveness of improved discretisation schemes in reducing finite spacing errors. Glueball masses are extracted from simulations on anisotropic lattices, where the temporal lattice spacing is much shorter than the spatial ones. This allows clearer resolution of the decay of glueball cor...
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